We began this week keeping fit with our Community Zumba session and after we did some karaoke. In the afternoon we had fun with our drama group.
On Tuesday we did some volunteering for the Community Grocery, thanks Eve for doing all the sealing! In the afternoon we all had a drink in the Mill Café.
On Wednesday we spent the morning at the gym for our KeptFit session ran by Alex. Everyone did so well.
Yesterday, we had another day out exploring all the grounds of the RHS Bridgewater with Therapeutic Gardener Ozichi and some lovely volunteers. We even experienced eating our lunch in the polly tunnel. Thanks to Michele for the tasty homemade Easter cakes to have after our lunch. Adele received some beautiful daffodils for her birthday next week. We finished the day overlooking the lake with a hot drink, what a great way to end the week.
Thanks Sean for lending a hand to ensure the day was a great success!
Have a lovely Easter weekend everyone!