Our Christmas trips this week have included a cinema visit to see Wicked and on Thursday everyone enjoyed watching the Jungle Book at the Octagon Theatre. It was great that almost everyone could make it, and we could all be together having fun!
Our other activities this week have included:
Community Zumba
Sensory activities - everyone did so well guessing the smells
Baking - making gingerbread biscuits
Work experience in the Mill Cafe
Music with Phil
Parachute games
Other news
We are selling raffle tickets £1 a ticket, the prize is a Christmas gin and mint hamper! All proceeds will be put towards our mini bus!
Please add Friday 13th December 2pm till 3pm to your calendars! This is for our Lifebeats Christmas event - all families, carers and friends are welcome. There will be refreshments and cake plus a bottle tombola and we will draw the winner for the Christmas hamper!