Another week of doing lots of exciting activities and some memorable ventures.
We have been very busy working on our life skills, from baking, making our own drinks, learning about public transport, setting the table, clearing the table, washing and drying the pots, shopping - the list goes on!
It was Abbi's first visit to Kronik Warriors, the smile on her face says it all. We all loved the session and also counted down to start Luiz and Martin on the Challenge 112, which they will be completing every day this week and finishing on Sunday at the social event at VIP. CHALLENGE 112 is in support of those affected by mental health & suicide and to promote the benefits of sport for positive mental health. To sponsor Luiz and learn more about this cause please follow this link here.
We all enjoyed our special day out at RHS Bridgewater Gardens on Wednesday for the photoshoot we were kindly invited to.
Tomorrow we have a music session with Phil and arts and crafts.
Other news:
We are so proud of Adele who is raising money for ELCC by doing a sponsored bike ride. She has already raised over £1000, 5x her target!
Don't forget, our 2 year celebration will be held on Friday the 22nd September from 1.30pm till 3pm.
The blog is early this week as I am off camping! No rain please!