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Writer's pictureMia Fraser

Welcome Michele!

This week we welcomed a new team member. Michele fits our ELCC family so well, we can't wait for her to make lots of fun memories with us.

At the start of the week we all practiced our life skills. We focussed on working together to get things done such as the washing up and the hoovering! We also attended our Community Zumba session too, which like usual we thoroughly enjoyed. Thankyou Tracy!

Community Chair Yoga took place on Tuesday, Aaron even had a complement from the instructor! We also did our work experience packing food in the Community Grocery.

Our weekly trip out was a return trip to Portland Basin Museum, back where Adele and Aaron got married by Dave!!! We had great fun dressing up.

Thursday was Michele's first day. We went to Wheels for All and then spent the afternoon back at King's Church practising our numeracy and literacy skills. We also enjoyed some cakes that Michele had brought in for us, very kind!

Today, we worked on our life skills again by making some cheese, tomato and mushroom omelettes, which were yummy. We also played some memory games and had a relaxation session.

Another perfect week!


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